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What’s the buzz?

Remote Control Vibrators For Sale - all the reasons why they are shaking up a storm.

Remember when we had to walk to the tv to change the channels? That’s sort of the equivalent of reaching down to adjust the settings on a toy in the middle of the episode. (Stop that right now.)

Enter the game changer: remote-control vibrators.

Yeah, ok, it’s not that groundbreaking of an invention, but it’s a game changer in the bedroom. The possibilities of how you and your partner play in the bedroom can ramp up to buzzy new heights with the subtle click of a button without having to reach anywhere near the action. This opens up doors to fun ways to role play, and create tension without physically touching. With smooth, body form designs, both of our remote control sex toys are wearable and will sit nicely without you having to hold them manually. This way, both couple and solo play is made hands-free, in the sense that, like with a telly remote, you don’t have to physically reach the source to keep messing with the settings, which can get slippery and fiddly to navigate right when you need to. 


Bluetooth for your bits – neat.

Enter the game changer: remote-control vibrators.

Yeah, ok, it’s not that groundbreaking of an invention, but it’s a game changer in the bedroom. The possibilities of how you and your partner play in the bedroom can ramp up to buzzy new heights with the subtle click of a button without having to reach anywhere near the action. This opens up doors to fun ways to role play, and create tension without physically touching. With smooth, body form designs, both of our remote control sex toys are wearable and will sit nicely without you having to hold them manually. This way, both couple and solo play is made hands-free, in the sense that, like with a telly remote, you don’t have to physically reach the source to keep messing with the settings, which can get slippery and fiddly to navigate right when you need to. Bluetooth for your bits - neat.

Remote Control Vibrators for Couples Play

Want complete power over your partner’s pleasure without doing any more than lifting a finger?
Yes, yes you do. (And we’ll guess they do, too.)

Imagine clicking a button and sending your partner into a frenzy. Sounds scary. But we promise it’s actually really sexy and a wonderful trust exercise that can bring you both so much closer together. Using the dial-up and down modes, you can wield the power and gently build tension, playfully denying or obeying their requests. 

This kind of play really can change the dynamic of how you get intimate without having to get your hands involved – just yet. We’ve got remote control vibrators for sale that might just be the best gift you give your relationship to reignite some fire or turn an already burning sex life into a postnuclear disaster (but a good one). If you’re feeling really adventurous, both of our remote-control vibrators are wearable. As in, you can wear them under your clothes… we’ll let you put two and two together on those possibilities. Just don’t get caught. 
We understood the assignment, and we’ve delivered remote-control vibrators for sale suitable for every he, she and they under our sun. Whether you prefer backdoor or front door play, we’ve got both your exits covered.
Front door: Shari
Backdoor: Moonbender

moon bender and doug - butt plug and cock ring - sex toys nz

Remote Control Vibrators for Zapping Solo

Ok, we’ll say it. Masturbation can get a bit same-samey after a while if you don’t mix it up. It’s really hard to stay interested in yourself (ouch), but we all go through that kind of indifference with self-touching and seek out the company of others. Remote-controlled vibrators are a fantastic way to renew your solo sex life and create some fresh interest and self-discovery. 

We’ve found that remote-control vibrators allow you to engage in deeper levels of your imagination and immersion since you don’t have to break your focus to awkwardly reach down to change the settings when you need to. It doesn’t seem like that big a deal to reach down, after all, we do it with most other toys – but that subtle difference can make a big difference to many solo players. With a very simple and subtle click of a button in your hand (wherever you want that hand to be), you can easily shift through the modes and stay in character – in a matter of speaking.

Who came up with this thing?

While there’s some contention about WHO exactly was the first mastermind behind the invention of the vibrator, the invention itself goes way back. Waaaay back. Dildos 28,000 years old have been found crafted from stone in Germany, but they didn’t get the vibrating treatment until the late 1800s. The alleged first doctor, Joseph Mortimer Granville,  created an electromechanical vibrating massager to soothe muscle pains…but quickly discovered (as did his patients), that they could be used elsewhere on the body with some explosive results. In the 19th century, women complaining of anxiety and pelvic heaviness, or ‘hysteria’, were prescribed an internal pelvic massage to bring them to orgasm, which was then medically called a ‘hysterical paroxysm’. When masturbating women manually grew too tedious for doctors (bor-ing), they fashioned the muscle massager into one that could be inserted vaginally to do the job for them. Hooray for curing female hysteria! (Otherwise known as sexual frustration, but we weren’t allowed to say that back then. Bor-ing.)

Imagine a world where women couldn’t vote, but regularly went to the doctor to get masturbated. Wild. 

Remote control vibrators, like all of our sex toys, are not gonna clean themselves. Haven’t invented a control for that one, yet. While our sex toys are made of high quality, non-toxic silicone safe for your bits and bobs – they need a little bit of easy tender loving care after a sesh in the sack. Being splashproof (but not waterproof – do not submerge), you can give your remote control vibrators a good clean wipe down after use, using just a soft silicone-safe soap or special silicone toy cleaner with water. 

Once clean and fresh, all toys need to be patted dry with a clean towel or left to completely air dry before packing them away. Damp sex toys are like anything else that is damp – a magnet for bacteria and mould. Once mould grows on your sex toys – it’s bye-bye, baby. 

As always, if you’re going to share your remote-control vibrators – clean them before sharing, or switching between anus and vagina. Bacteria is not sexy and should stay in its designated hole – same with any infections. Play it safe and pop a fresh condom on them if you want to share. 

Unlike Pokemon, this is an example of when you really don’t wanna catch em’ all. 

Thanks for coming to our sex ed talk.

Our Commitment

Plaything made it our top priority to bring sexy back, with body safe, non-porous silicone solo sex toys and couples vibrators which are so heavenly to the touch that they will turn a nightmare into a dream. 

To learn more about our commitment to you, exclusive offers and the latest news from Plaything sign up to our mailing list. We promise it will be a good time. 

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